Friday, 3 October 2014

October 3

Today for current events, we discussed the Enbridge pipeline being built between Alberta and BC.  The students will be writing  rough drafts outlining their opinion on whether the pipeline should be built or not.

We also learned about mindful breathing and using focus to quiet the brain in order to be ready to learn (MindUp).

In math, the Grade 6's worked on patterns in input/output tables and they have page 8 and 9 # 3-7 for homework.  The grade 7's learned about divisibility rules and they have page 12 # 1a - f for homework.  

In Science, the student created simple circuits that are labelled.  They need to explain how they work to a family member.

During Health and Career Education (HACE) we discussed our digital footprints and how to create a positive digital footprint.  Here is a video we watched.  Please talk about it at home.  Have a great weekend and remember to read every day (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

1 comment:

  1. I need to do that circuit!!!!

