Thursday, 21 December 2017

Thursday, December 21

Just one more day!

We will be exchanging Secret Santa gifts tomorrow.  

Reminders: hand in illustrated "precepts"
- Read 30 minutes
- have a good-fit book chosen to read over the holidays

Maker Club:
- go to 
- create your account, remember to put in your real birthday but choose your own username and password
- here is the code to join our group: WBII7AQP
- go to Learn
- work on the learning activities under 3D design 

Friday, 15 December 2017

Friday, December 15

It's been quite an exciting week.  We had our Christmas concert, an exciting Skype call and learned about robotics.  

On Wednesday, we had the opportunity to talk to a Canadian Space Agency astronaut, Jeremy Hansen. It was a valuable learning opportunity where Division 6 and 7 asked questions about space and the experience of being an astronaut.  Thank you very much to the Canadian Space Agency and to Jeremy Hansen for taking time out of his busy schedule to talk with us.

We also worked with Ozobots and learned coding using colour combinations which tell the robots how to move.  


- Science creature due on Monday
- Read 30  minutes
- Writing conferences group A
- buy your Secret Santa gift by Wednesday
- Grade 6 math page 72 # 4 and 6
- Grade 5 math text p 72/73

BRING 2 FOIL WRAPPED PLATES AND CANDY FOR MONDAY (Christmas decorating activity)

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Wednesday, December 13

Today, we had the exciting opportunity to talk to a real astronaut via Skype! ( a photo and description will appear here later) Talk to your child about what they learned today.

Also, it's been a busy week full of Christmas concert performances.  Remember to come for the performance tonight and arrive at 6:00 at our classroom door.  The show starts at 6:30.  You will be dismissed from our classroom as well.  If you are walking home, you need written permission from a parent.


Writing conferences group A
Read 30 minutes
Math (see yesterday's post)

Monday, 11 December 2017

Monday, December 11

Today, I sent an email regarding how to access your child's FreshGrade Portfolio.  Please let me know if you encounter any difficulty logging on through a parent account. 

- Christmas concert this week
- Book Club E tomorrow (plus Faith and Samiyah)
- Math 5 page 66-67 #1-13 abc
- Math 6 page 72 #1 a- l and #10 as a challenge
- Read 30 min.
- Toy Drive
- Cardboard Arcade open to grade 5's through donation
- Science creature due on Monday

Friday, 8 December 2017

Friday, December 8

- Grade 5 math page 65 text, 1, 2, and sticky note in workbook
- bring donations for Toy Drive
- read 30 minutes
- Book Club D on Monday
- Read 30 minutes
- work on your Science (imaginary creature on your planet) - due Friday. 

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Wednesday, November 6


  • Book Club B tomorrow
  • Music tomorrow
  • Hot Lunch orders due on Friday
  • Math 5 page 26/27 workbook
  • Donations for Toy Drive
  • Secret Santa gift
  • Bring ice cream toppings by Friday
  • Read 30 minutes
  • Reflection and goal setting due tomorrow

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Tuesday, December 5

What a busy week we are having! Yesterday we had our very successful Entrepreneur Fair.  Everyone came prepared to sell their products.  We have some aspiring business people in our classroom!  Your child should have come home with three envelopes of money: the float, the loan repayment, their profit.  If your child was not able to repay your loan, you need to decide with them how they will do that (chores etc.).



- please post your Entrepreneur comment/reflection on FreshGrade ( What I learned, What I did well, What I wish I had done...)
- grade 5 math workbook p 24/25
- grade 6 math test tomorrow
- buy concert tickets asap
- post Reflection and Goal Setting on FreshGrade by Thursday ( My strength is and then your goal and how you are going to achieve your goal)
- gym tomorrow
- Book Club A tomorrow
- bring donations for Toy Drive
- remember to get something for your Secret Santa by the last week of school
- Read 30 minutes

Reminder of how to prepare for BookClub:

- come with a summary about the book (don't give away the important parts) This book is about... The main characters are... So far.... has happened
- explain what you think about the book (Do you like it? Why? Do you not like it? Why?)
- use Book Club Discussion Words (flat, round, dynamic, static, protagonist, antagonist, in/direct characterization, perspective etc.)
- Are there any great words you found in the book?
- Are there any significant moments you want to share in the book? Put a sticky note where you want to share.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Friday, December 1

Photo Credit: Bennilover Flickr via Compfight cc

Happy December!

Monday is the Entrepreneur Fair.  If you can come a little early to help set up (8:20), it will be much appreciated.  On the weekend, practise selling to your family.  Remember to speak in a clear and audible voice.

Things you need to bring:
- a tablecloth (only 1 partner brings it)
- a small sign with your price
- a box to store your money with $5 in change in it
- your business plan (please colour/decorate the cover of your business plan)
- your products
- a calculator

Remember to dress for success!

Other reminders:

- Grade 5 math for Tuesday: text page 62 #1-4, 6
- Grade 6 math for Tuesday: text page 65 #1, 2ab, 3ab, 5ab
- Grade 6 math mid-unit review test on Wednesday
- toy drive donations
READ 30 minutes