Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Tuesday, November 29


Oral story telling in the gym 6-7 pm tomorrow (please bring earbuds)
Dress formally for the story telling event
Ms. Kooner's class : page 94 #3 C and D
Ms. Grewal's class: page 94 #1-3
Complete self reflection and evolution
Work on your reading journals
Read for 30 minutes

Monday, 28 November 2016

Monday, November 28

Here is the video we watched about the evidence for evolution:

Afterwards we had an animated and interesting discussion on DNA which devolved into a conversation about scientists designing creatures, cloning, and the sanctity of life.  Phew! Everyone had an opinion but the discussion about ethics was a difficult one.


~Read 30 mins
~Notices for Evening of Music
~Reading journal
~Band log
~Ms.Kooner's math group text book pg. 94 #2
~Upload your story if not done yet

Friday, 25 November 2016

Friday, November 25

Today, we had an airplane challenge with Ms. Grewal's class and Anmol in Division 1 (us) was undefeated! Yay! (not that we are competitive or anything...)

~Storytelling evening next week on Wednesday, 6 -7 pm (bring your earbuds)
~Read 30 mins
~Ask for parent drivers for our field trip
~Finish self reflection
~Math Ms.Kooners group W.B pg 51
~Reading Journal (you, yes all of you except Jasmine, need to complete this!)
~Upload oral story: Chhavi, Gurjaap, Vizon, Jayden

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Thursday, November 24

Drum roll please.... The airplane that survived... no... triumphed The Airplane Evolution Challenge was made by Anmol!  His airplane's distance travelled easily surpassed everyone else's. Congratulations!

- gym strip for tomorrow
- post your Science reflection on The Airplane Evolution Challenge on your portfolio
- Ms. Kooner's math group: math textbook page 88, 1-5
- Ms. Grewal's math group: math workbook page 51
- you MUST upload your oral story to your portfolio
- Breadwinner group be ready for wordwork tomorrow
- practise your songs for band
- read 30 min.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Tuesday, November 22

Today, in the afternoon we learned about evolution through the making and flying of paper airplanes.  


~Read 30 mins
~Make a paper airplane that will survive our classroom habitat without a need for mutation or descent from modification
~French test tomorrow 
~Upload oral story to fresh grade before friday
~Band log
~Reading log

Monday, November 21

~Read 30 mins
~Return notice
~Natural Selection questions Q and A
~Upload oral story on fresh grade
~Reading log
~Freedom train word work test tomorrow
~French test due on friday

Friday, 18 November 2016

Friday, November 18

~Read 30 mins
~Math test on monday
~Practice french test
~Upload oral story on fresh grade if your ready
~Band log
~Reading log
~Tell 3 facts about evolution, natural selection, and common descent

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Thursday, November 17

Here is the video for evolution that we watched earlier this week. The natural selection video is on yesterday's post.


~Read 30 mins
~Make 3 questions for natural selection for our science game
~Upload oral story to your portfolio if you feel ready
~Sign and return notices
~Math test for Unit 2: Integers is on Monday

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Wednesday, November 16

Here is the video on natural selection that we watched in Science.  We will discuss the ideas in depth during next science block.  

Remember to practice your oral story tonight. Please invite your family for the evening of November 30th (6 - 7pm) where Divisions 1 - 4 will be hosting a Storytelling Evening.  Please return the form to RSVP.

~Bring back notices
~Read 30 mins
~Reading journals
~Band test tomorrow
~Practice oral story with device
~French test next week
~Breadwinner word work

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Tuesday, November 15


- fill out your storytelling sheet to help you plan out your oral story - practise your expressions and gestures, remember to have a conclusion

- Group C Lost Riders be ready for WordWork test

- Ms. Kooner's math group:

  • Write a subtraction question that would give each answer. (Please do not use 0 in the question) How many questions can you write each time?
    • a) +2
    • b) -3
    • c) +5
    • d) -6
- Ms. Grewal's math group: Workbook page 36-38

- Movie Night on Friday (the money raised supports Grade 7 fieldtrips)

Monday, 14 November 2016

November 14 2016

We had a lot of fun learning about subtracting integers today. We had a showdown of integers where students needed to explain their answers to the class.  Way to go to Suhail and Sahil, the first challengers!

Photo Credit: Mïk Flickr via Compfight cc

The afternoon was another one of laughter and learning.  We learned about the survival needs of organisms as well as learning why the ancients worshipped the sun.  Here is a nugget of wisdom from the afternoon: Me: "Where do eggs come from?" Student (whose name shall remain anonymous but starts with a D and ends with an N): "Eggplants!" That was fun!

Some (6 actually) important notices went home today about upcoming fieldtrips and PAC events.  Please read, sign, and return.  Thank you.

~Read 30 mins
~Band practice
~Ms. Kooner's math group: text book page 69 #1, 2, 3
~Reading journals
~Share notices with parents
~Mrs. Grewal's math group: page 62 #2 and 7
~Ask parents about a family story to share
- "Shabash" novel group be ready with WordWork list
- "Lost Riders" be finished reading chapters 1 - 5

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

PAX: Teacher Reading Last chapters

Here are the links to the chapters being read aloud in class.

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32 and 33

Chapter 34   Oooooh! This is a good one!

Wednesday, November 9

What an emotionally draining day today.  We had a beautiful Remembrance Day Assembly and our class presented a piece titled, "Light Is."

In the afternoon we had a presentation by the RCMP and Mr. Jordan Buna (EndGangLife.ca) which was intense and filled with useful information.

-no school tomorrow and Friday (see you on Monday!)
-reading journal
-band practice log
-Tuesday, December.13 band concert 1pm-6pm
-Freedom train read finish reading chapter. 3-4
-always read 30 min!
- my math group: page 36-38 workbook

On the upside, a rarely occurring event was photographed.  The teacher's desk was clean! Here's a photo so there is proof!

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Tuesday, October 8


Here is a link for the election results (feel free to use others as well):

-Find 1 interesting fact about the U.S. election
-Read 30 min.
-Wear black and white clothes for the assembly
-Work on reading journal
-Band practice log
-Math workbook page. 36-38 for Monday
-Math textbook page. 62-63 #1-5 for Monday
-Tuesday December 13th Band concert 1pm and 6pm

Monday, 7 November 2016

Monday, November 7

Mr. Long teaching the art of storytelling. 

Everyone handed in their Early Human projects.  We had a lot of different ways of showing learning. We even had a song!

- math page 34-35 workbook
- polish your family story, remember to use gestures, facial and hand gestures and intonation
- answer Padlet question 
-Reading Journal
- tomorrow group A for Daily 5

Made with Padlet

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Thursday, October 3rd

- have a personal story ready to share in groups for Mr. Long's storytelling workshop (beginning, middle, end, character development, setting description, theme)
- my math group workbook page 23-24
- band instrument
- Early Man project due on Monday
- no school tomorrow
- remember your words for the Remembrance Day assembly presentation (Wednesday, November 9)
- students reading "Freedom Train" read chapter 2 and complete setting description
- students in Group E be ready to spell your words
- work on reading journal

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Wednesday, November 2nd

Phew! It's been a whirlwind of a day today!  We practised our presentation for the Remembrance Day Assembly, had a visit from Mr. Long, the storyteller, participated in a Mystery Skype with Michigan in the morning and had a surprise visit from some Surrey Eagles hockey players.  In the afternoon, we had French with Ms. McQuillan and then yet another Mystery Skype with New Zealand. The school was called Masterton Intermediate School.  Guess what day it was in New Zealand?  Thursday! It is also summer there.  We learned about time zones and the international date line. They also danced an indigenous dance for us and showed us their money and talked about their favourite athletes and sports.

- band instrument for tomorrow
- work on your reading journal
- blog about the Mystery Skype (where, similarities, differences etc.)
- Social Studies project due on Monday
- Friday is a Pro-D (Curriculum Day)

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Tuesday, November 1st

Today, during math we pondered the following question:

Surprisingly, this was a real challenge for most students as they tried to add, subtract, multiply or divide the numbers to find the age of the shepherd.  We discussed the need to understand the question thoroughly.  For homework, students are to create a question that could be answered with the information provided above.  We already had the question of, "How many sheep does each dog need to guard if they guard the same number of sheep each?"

Also, here is a video showing how common this error in math problem solving is:

Reminders for tomorrow:

- read for 30 min
- finish your word work
- work on Social Studies project (due on Monday)
- band practise log