Monday, 30 May 2016

Science Water Conservation Structure Questions

1.  My group collected _____ amountof water.

2.   What we did differently from the last project was…

3.  We thought _______ would happen.

4.  Explain what worked and what didn't work for your structure.

5.  If you were to give advice to another group who is going to make their water conservation structure what would it be?

6.  If you could choose any material to use to build your water conservation structure, what would it be? 

7.. Draw your ideal structure and label it with the materials used.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Friday, May 27

We worked on our Water Conservation Project 2.0 today.  The outcome was very interesting as it actually was pouring rain when we were about to test our creations.  Funny enough, due to the rain we postponed testing our projects until after the rain because many students did not dress for the weather.

- math test for grade 6 and 7 on Tuesday
- Monday is a Pro-D Day
- work on your French menu (due on Thursday)
- work on debate
- Tennis on Tuesday
- kindergarten photos for grade 7's should be handed in now

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Thursday, May 26

- Math tests for both grades on Tuesday
- French skit/menu due on Thursday, June 2nd
- Grade 6 math page 154 # 1- 6
- Grade 7 workbook review
- Book talk: Priya, Zaahid
- Author's Chair: Suhail

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Wednesday, May 25

Today we learned about the importance of water conservation and designed a structure to save water.  Every group was given a budget and had to "purchase" material in order to build their designs.  

The winning team so far was able to collect 450 ml. of water. Tonight, everyone will reflect on what they learned and think about how they would change their design.

Questions for reflections:

My group collected _______mL. of water.

We thought ________ would happen.  (Talk about why you designed the structure the way you did.)

We learned __________.

What I would do differently is _______________.

Reminders for tomorrow:

- reflect on Science in FreshGrade
- Grade 7 math Mid-Unit review
- Grade 6 math page 54-57 in workbook
- Grade 7 memory book page due
- deadline for memory book cover is tomorrow
- band tomorrow
- Booktalk: Jowela, Halina

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Friday, 20 May 2016

Friday, May 20

Our class has been learning to debate. It has been interesting and heated moments. The students have come up with a fantastic array of topics. Some of them surprised even me. Here is a sampling from our board.

After a vote and conversation, we have decided to debate the topics of Marvel is better than DC and Tim Hortons is better than .

Over the weekend, students should be preparing for their topic. There is a sheet in their binder to help them concretely organize their thoughts.

Reminders for Tuesday (remember Monday is a holiday.):
– Book talks by Taj, Pabin, 
– Bring back student led conference sheet with parent signature
– Notice due May 24
– Memory page should be handed in ASAP
– Baby pictures for grade sevens need to be sent to school
– Remember to bring scrapbooking supplies for your one scrapbook page
– Tuesday we go and play tennis so where your athletic clothing and shoes.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Wednesday, May 18

Today we went to Sullivan Secondary for an orientation meeting for the grade 7's. They toured the school and participated in activities with the Leadership students.

- band instrument
- Student led conferences 2:30 - 4:30 tomorrow
- Grade 7's type up your memory book page and bring in baby photos and kindergarten photo
- think of debate topics
- grade 6's #1-5 for math

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Tuesday, May 17

We have been working on debating.  Here is an introductory video to understand the parts of a debate.

This week, we have been practising using sample topics.  Next week, we will be working in groups on a large topic.  

There are photos from last week's grade 7 fieldtrip on our links page and you can also find them here.  


- Grade 7's will be walking to Sullivan Secondary tomorrow
- Grade 7 baby photos are due on May 24 (please email me a scan of the photo if possible)
- Grade 7 memory page 
- Grade 7 Memory Book Cover submissions are due May 25
- see notice sent home regarding Grade 7 Farewell Ceremony information

- grade 7 math page 234 # 1- 4
- grade 6 workbook page 50 - 51
- prepare your debate topic if you have not already presented it

Monday, 16 May 2016

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Tuesday, May 10

There will be student led conference is next week on Thursday,  May 19.  Parents are invited to come with their child to the classroom so that students can share their learning with their families. Dismissal will be at the regular time of 2:38. Conferences will begin right after that. You do not need to book a time. It is a drop in activity. The classroom will be open for student led conferences until 4:30 PM.

– Grade 7 math workbook page 130 to 134
– Grade 6 page 127 number 1, 2, 5
– Egyptian ABC due Thursday
– Booktalk Vikram and Kyla
– Bring your multicultural quilt rectangle (Grade 6's will be given in class time tomorrow to finish, grade 7's should have an outline done so the grade 6's can color it for them)

Monday, 9 May 2016

Monday, May 9

- gym strip
- grade 7 p.223 # 1, 2, 3
- Egyptian ABC dueThursday 
- symbol of Czech Republic
- book talk: Andrew and Melate

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Wednesday, May 4

Thank you to Priya for organizing a wonderful party today. We had food and games and it was fun!

We also finished our poetry unit and published our books. 


For those of you looking for the station five activities:

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Monday, 2 May 2016

Monday, May 2

- Bring gym strip
- Grade 6 math workbook page 68 to 71
- Haiku poem rough copy
- Grade 7 math word problem number 1, 2, 3 and four
- Mother's Day wrapping paper

Friday, April 29

Pizza orders

Authors chair - Hannnah 

Yearbook orders- May 5th

Yoga - Monday

Band - Monday

Flag - Monday

Grade 6 math test

Word problem - Tuesday