Friday, 27 February 2015

February 27

Today we had two teaching artists from Bard on the Beach come to teach us about Shakespeare and about acting.  They taught us some great voice exercises with us. 

We will be presenting our play next week on Wednesday and Thursday during class time, as well as Wednesday afterschool if parents interested.  Please email me if you would be willing to come at 2:45 to watch our play and if there are enough parents interested we will be schedule an afterschool performance as well.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

February 26

Yesterday, Division 3 did an excellent job with the Pink Shirt Day movie that they created and share in the school assembly.

Today, we had lots of fun at skating and working on art with our buddies.  We have also been working hard on creating a unique culture in Social Studies.  That project is due tomorrow.

- gym strip
- "The Earth" writing - remember to us a strong adjective, adverb, verb, prepositional opener, who/which clause, as/if/although/when/where/although, adverb opener, "ing" opener
- Create A Culture
- a parent notice went home regarding report cards
- Popcorn Day notice
- bring books for Book Swap
- Author's Chair: Farhat, Sidratul, Irah
- French oral blitz

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Thursday, 19 February 2015

February 19

Great job on the Science Fair everyone!

We also learned about Chinese New Year  in our assembly.

Next week remember that we are having a marathon Author's Chair. 

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

February 11

We worked on our Science Fair projects for a large part of the day today.  Here is the Science Fair criteria sheet.


Feb. 10 2015

Group B: Reading conference
Gym strip
French sugar cubes
Math pg 114 #1-4
Authors chair: Manasseh, Harkarn, Karen
Social Studies: Power Structure paragraph due Thursday
Create-a-Culture due on March 6

Schedule for presenting Science projects:


Esha R.


Esha B




Friday, 6 February 2015

February 6, 2015

Today, we learned about careers in the trades.  We had a guest speaker from Inspire BC and we learned to use some tools.


- Monday is Family Day - Enjoy your day with your family!
- work on Science Fair project
- Group A Writing Conference Tuesday
- Grade 7 Math Test - Unit 6
- memorize your part for the play
- read 20-30 minutes every day
- Author's Chair: Manasseh

Thursday, 5 February 2015

February 5, 2015

Today, we had Ms. Bailer teach us about First Nations Art.  She taught us about the colours, lines,  and shapes used in traditional First Nations Art.

Grade 7's are preparing to show their understanding of equations in a unit test.  The test will be on Tuesday.  Our learning intentions are:
  1. I can solve equations in different ways.
  • using algebra
  • using integer tiles
  • using balance scales
  • using systematic trials
  • using inspection
     2.  I can solve word problems using algebra.

Remember to practise the skills you have learned by working on the practice test in the textbook.

- bring back swimming fieldtrip form and money
- keep working on your Science Fair project at home
- read 20 - 30 minutes
- Group E writing conference on Tuesday
- memorize your parts for the play
- Math 6 Workbook page 42-43

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Feb 4, 2014

Esha B authors chair 
Math 6 pg #1-4
Movie notice
Math 7 WB 
Group A writing 
Memorize your part
Feb 19 science fair 

Monday, 2 February 2015

January 30, 2015

- Authors chair: Zahra
- Feb 19 Science Fair
- Math 7- WB pg 142-144
- Band
- Math 6 pg 106 #1-3
- Grade 7 camp money and notices
- Memorize your part