Friday, 30 October 2015

Friday, October 30

'Happy Halloween! We had a wild assortment of devils, scarecrows, unicorns and other spooky creatures in our classroom today.

We had a great day of fun playing with our buddies, telling scary stories and doing some reading, writing, and art as well.  I hope everyone has a safe Halloween

- read 30 minutes
- group 5 ( Kirth, Priya, Ezzy, Arshdeep, Sidratul, Manroop) writing conferences
- walking field trip notice for Monday ( we are putting out notices to collect food for the food bank) 
- book talk: Andrew and Melate
- make a sample of your product for entrepreneurship

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Wednesday, October 29


- Halloween celebration on Friday afternoon: costumes are welcome (no masks or weapons), food and games in the afternoon, bring a scary story, a plate, a fork and a mug
- pumpkin carving contest: bring a carved pumpkin before school begins to the pod areas on Friday to be entered in a draw
- start brainstorming your business idea
- page 5 of your business booklet
- notices for PAC fundraising
- notices for permission for photos on our class blog
- writing conference group 3

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Tuesday, October 27

Today we began our Science and Engineering challenge of building structures of paper.  We learned the power of a cylinder. 

We also created our team names and began planning what we would do.

- read 30 min
- grade 6 math workbook page 10-11
- grade 7 math page 36 #1, 2, 3, 4, 6
- group 2 writing conference
- le monstre is due tomorrow

Monday, 26 October 2015

Monday, October 26

Today, we had our Social Studies presentations.  We had some very good presentations on government.

Here is an example of one project:


Here is a link to a project created as a website: Sidratul and Melate's Project

We are learning to create effective presentations so that:

- powerpoints use visuals and not just text
- speak in an engaging manner
- try to engage the audience with a question, prop or other hook

- last day for photo orders tomorrow
- Grade 7 math in workbook page 17-19
- Grade 6 math text #1-3
- bring gym strip
- work on French project - "le monstre"
- hot lunch on Friday

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Tuesday, October 20

Today we had a good discussion about the characters in "Fish In a Tree," with Mrs. Jones' class in Iowa via Skype.  We will be presenting some skits to them next time we talk to them.

Remarkably, the results of the student vote were very similar to the actual federal election results.  Here are the results of the student vote:

- tomorrow is early dismissal
- student photos went home today with order forms
- please return the signed interim report
- Grade 7 math workbook page 14 to 16
- Group 3 reading conference
- work on your social studies project at home, the due date is Monday

Fish In A Tree

Chapter 20 part 1
Chapter 20 part 2
Chapter 21

Monday, 19 October 2015

Monday, October 19


- bring your gym strip
- math grade 6 page 22/23 #3 and #4
- math grade 7 page 27/28 #1 and #2
- share your Interm Report with your family
- watch the election results!
- work on your Social Studies project
- Reading Conference group 2: Zaahid Suhail, Elizabeth, Sewak, Jowela

Friday, 16 October 2015

Friday, October 16

Today, we voted in our student vote.  We will find out the results on Tuesday, along with the actual federal election results.  This should be interesting!

Reminders for Monday:

- write a blogpost about what changes you notice that are happening in "Fish In A Tree" so far (changes in people or relationships)
- start brainstorming for your next paragraph - main idea and supporting details
- bring a gym strip for circuits
- bring band instrument
- Group 1 reading conference ( Wasif, Halina, Claudea, Verdana, Robert, Shivam)

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Wednesday, October 14

- band tomorrow
- Movie Night on Friday
- Grade 7 math workbook page 10 - 11
- Read 30 min.
- create your voter i.d. card

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Tuesday, October 13

Today we learned how to log onto our FreshGrade ePortfolio.  Remember to log on at home and to accept our classroom invitation. Your i.d and password is in your planner. 

Here is the link for FreshGrade: FreshGrade

Answer the following question by clicking on the Padlet.  (Click twice)

- write a good copy of your "hamburger" paragraph
- Grade 7 math page 23 #1-3
- Grade 6 math workbook page 6-7
- Movie Night Friday 3 - 5pm (notice sent home)
- Wacky Hat Day tomorrow
- non-instructional day on November 12

Friday, 9 October 2015

Friday, October 9

Have a great Thanksgiving. Monday is a holiday.

- write the main idea and details of your paragraph for writing
- finish line art (patterns around your name)
- read 30 min every day
- bring gym strip for Tuesday
- math quiz on the concepts learned so far in Unit 1 next Friday (Grade 7's divisibility rules and algebraic expressions, Grade 6's patterns in input output tables and writing the rule as an expression)

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Wednesday, October 7

- band tomorrow
- Grade 7 math page 18 1, 3-8 (a and b for all questions only)
- Grade 6 math workbook 2.1
- buddy art due Friday
- bring in your Mystery Bag
- hot lunch - due by October 16th

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Tuesday, October 6

Today, we listened to Linda Mullaly Hunt, the author of the Global ReadAloud book, Fish In a Tree,  introduce us to the book.

We have read up to Chapter 4 and tonight we need to:

- write a blogpost on Kidblog about what we have read so far (your ideas on the main character or supporting characters, or connections you've made, questions you have, or predictions etc.)

- answer one of the questions on the following Padlet (scroll across for more space and double click where you want to type, remember to add your name)

- Grade 7's math page 9 #6,7
- Grade 6's math page 15, #4 a,b
- finish "The Hand" buddy art by Friday

Monday, 5 October 2015

Monday, October 5

Today, we had a our final candidate for the election in our riding, Harpreet Singh,  come visit us and share his party's platform with us.  The Woodward Hill students asked him some challenging questions.

- tomorrow is Picture Day
- finish your "Hand" art activity from Buddies
- Hot Lunch notice
- Grade 7's practise the divisibility rules

Friday, 2 October 2015

Friday, October 2nd

Today, we heard from the Green Party candidate in our riding, Pamela Sangha.

For homework, we need to go to and find three facts about each party that you did not know before.

Also, remember to bring your gym shoes and band instrument for Monday.

If you late work please finish it over the weekend. This is for those students who I have talked to.

Remember to practise your oral reading and come ready to share a selection from the book that you are reading.

Have a great weekend.