Friday, 18 December 2015

December 18

Happy holidays everyone. 

We had a great day today that included singing and games, crafts and gifts.

 Over the winter break, remember to write to journal entries, and read 30 minutes every day. On the first day back book talks will be given bicycle and Kirth. Group one will be doing reading conferences. we will also be starting our classroom economy on the first day back. You should be finding out what jobs you qualified and successfully posted for.

The following photo shows the conference dates for everyone in the class.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, 17 December 2015

December 17

Today, we had lots of fun with our buddies building decorated Christmas trees. They are beautiful as well as edible.

We also were so happy to see the first snowfall of the season.

Tomorrow, we will be doing our gift exchange, so if you have not brought a present yet remember to do so. We will also be having a little celebration so if you have a game to share please bring one. In the afternoon we will be having our intermediate sing-along.  If you were not able to hand in your job application due to being away, remember to hand it in tomorrow. The students sharing their stories in Author's Chair are Pavan and Priya.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Friday, 11 December 2015

December 11

Congratulations Division 3 and Division 4 on a very successful Entrepreneurship Fair.  Our class alone made a profit of $586 after subtracting their loans and charitable donations.  Division 3 and 4 raised over $100 to BC Children's Hospital.  We also learned about what makes a successful business. All students who participated created business plans in order to be able to run their business.

We had some great products being sold.

Today, report cards went home.  Inside the folder you will find a letter inviting you to your child's FreshGrade Portfolio.  As explained in the parent evening and the information package sent home last month, the portfolio is used to communicate student learning.  If you were unable to attend the information evening or need clarification about the information package about how the portfolio communicates student learning, please make an appointment for a parent teacher conference.

- Band on Monday
- bring a BumpIt Gift ($5-$7 only)
- blog your Entrepreneurship Reflections
- Five Sense Writing second draft
- candy for our Buddy activity

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

December 9

We had lots of fun skating at Newton Arena today.  Thank you to all of our volunteer parent drivers. We couldn't go on these field trips without your support.

- Early dismissal next week on Wednesday for parent teacher conferences
- authors chair for Robert, Arshdeep, Zahira and Hannah
- Science mind map due tomorrow
- bring band instrument
- Bring your business plan in order to be given a business license tomorrow
- bump it gift for next Friday
-work on entrepreneurship poster
- read Hana's blog chapter 1
- movie night on Friday
- Hot lunch notice went home for next Friday it is due ASAP

For Friday bring:

Monday, 7 December 2015

December 7

This is our beautiful Roy Henry Vickers artwork. 

Today we participated in the morning the performance of the Christmas concert. In the evening students are expected to be here at 5:30 PM. We will be meeting in the library. You can pick your child up at the outside of miss Grewal's classroom.

Wednesday is our skating field trip. We still need drivers.

Friday is the Entrepreneurship Show. Remember to have all of your products created, your business plan, your business license, a tablecloth, your cashbox, and a five dollar float. Your float needs to be one toonie, one loonie, 4 quarters and one dollar in dimes and nickels.

Abdul is in the authors chair tomorrow.
Group 4 will be conferencing with me.
Group 1, 2 and 3 need to finish their self assessment and put it in their eportfolio.
The science mind map is due on Thursday.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

December 3

Bring band instrument for Friday the 4
Authors chair tomorrow Taj
Entrepreneurs book- money plan 2
Fish in a Tree project due tomorrow 
Entrepreneur poster 
Skating notice due Monday 7 
Dress rehearsal for Christmas Concery

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

December 1

Today with much joy and frustration we tested our structures.  Your videos are in your FreshGrade portfolios.  We learned a lot about the need to have teamwork and communication skills.

- work on your entrepreneurship products every night
- work on business plan (typing the next page)
- O'Canada in French
- Skating fieldtrip notice (we need drivers)
- work on Fish In a Tree project - due on Friday
- Vikram - author's chair
- Ezzy - booktalk

Monday, 30 November 2015

Friday, 27 November 2015

November 27

Letter Grades

Here is some information on the use of lettergrades in the classroom.

To Grade or Not to Grade?

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

November 25

Here is the short clip we watched today on the power of positivity.

Here is the full episode if you are interested in watching it. 

- band instrument
- start on "Fish In A Tree" project (see criteria sheet)
- read 30 min
- share notice with parents
- writing conference group 3
- finish Entrepreneur booklet up to Marketing

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

November 24, 2015

- Group 2 writing conferences
- self assessment of 5 sense paragraph
- financial wizard graphing sheet
- practise French O'Canada
- blog your Fish In a Tree diary entry or story continuation

Monday, 23 November 2015

November 23

Today we had a guest speaker from a credit union come and talk to us about how loans are given by financial institutions.  He also looked at our prototypes and gave advice and what would help our businesses.


- Gym strip
- finish self-assessment for 5 sense writing
- Group 1 writing conferences
- create 1 question for Fish In A Tree Jeopardy
- bring Entrepreneur booklets
- samosas delivered

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

November 18

The Art Cards have arrived and they are all unique and beautiful.  To order, look inside the card to see how to order and return to the school.

In Language Arts, we learned about the power of strong adjectives.  Now, everyone needs to show in all of their writing where they are using:

- strong adverbs (ly words)
- strong verbs
- strong adjectives

In Science, we began building our structures.
Here is a site where you can learn more about structures:


- parent meeting tonight 5 - 6 pm in the library
- Wasif/Hillary/Claudea on booktalk
- Group 5 reading conference
- Band instrument
- Art cards
- practise O'Canada in French (see video in links and v=2k2tkuyGJf8 )

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Tuesday, November 17


- Wasif and Jowela booktalk
- Group 4 Reading Conference
- practise O' Canada in French
- find 5 facts on Roy Henry Vickers or his artwork
- practise building your science structure at home so that you have some ideas for in class construction
- information meeting on new curriculum and reporting for parents tomorrow from 5-6pm in the school library

Monday, 16 November 2015

Monday, November 16

Halina/Verdana book talk tomorrow 
Parent meeting on Wednesday 
Reading journal 
Grade 6 shots tomorrow 
Gym strips
Group 3: reading conference Tuesday

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Tuesday, November 10

Today we had a very active day! We worked with a dance company learning New dance moves and got our heart pumping.

For homework, please remember to work in your entrepreneurship booklet. You should complete up to page 20. Remember to have your parents sign the loan certificate.

- Bring your entrepreneur product for Monday
– Taj and Priya booktalk
– Group 2 reading conference
– Band instrument
– If you did not bring your hoodie notice and want to order one please bring the money and order form to the office by 9 AM this Thursday

Friday, 6 November 2015

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

November 4th

Today, we collected donations for the food bank in our neighbourhood.  When Division 3, 4, and 5 finished collecting, our school entrance was full of food!


- band
- create product survey, page 10/11 of entrepreneurship booklet
- price page (see below)
- read 30 min.
- art cards due tomorrow
- group 1 reading conference
- Pavan and Kirth bootalk

What My Product Cost

Step 1: Write a list of all of the materials
Step 2: Add up the cost

     - package of 12 pens $2 each - bought two packs - $4 total
     - roll of green tape $100 metres - $4
     - 30 flowers                                - $10

     TOTAL COST:                          - $24

Step 3: Work out how many products you can create out of your materials

     example : 24 pens, and 30 flowers with the tape, I can make 24 flower pens

Step 4: How much does each one cost?

     example: 24 pens divided by $24 = $1 each

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Tuesday, November 3

Today, we shared the samples we made for our businesses.  There was a lot of creativity displayed in their products: duct tape wallets, emoji pillows, dreamcatchers, decorated pencils etc.

We also started working on our Science structures and talked about what makes structures strong and able to bear weight.

- popcorn day notice
- bring food bank donations
- read 30 min.
- math test on Friday
- bring in your product
- group 1 reading conference
- Booktalk: Abdul and Manroop

Monday, 2 November 2015

Monday, November 2

- Art Cards due on Thursday
- Walking Fieldtrip to collect food bank donations on Wednesday
- Gym tomorrow
- read 30 min.
- Group 5 Writing Conference
- bring your business prototype for tomorrow
- Sid and Pragti: Booktalk

Friday, 30 October 2015

Friday, October 30

'Happy Halloween! We had a wild assortment of devils, scarecrows, unicorns and other spooky creatures in our classroom today.

We had a great day of fun playing with our buddies, telling scary stories and doing some reading, writing, and art as well.  I hope everyone has a safe Halloween

- read 30 minutes
- group 5 ( Kirth, Priya, Ezzy, Arshdeep, Sidratul, Manroop) writing conferences
- walking field trip notice for Monday ( we are putting out notices to collect food for the food bank) 
- book talk: Andrew and Melate
- make a sample of your product for entrepreneurship

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Wednesday, October 29


- Halloween celebration on Friday afternoon: costumes are welcome (no masks or weapons), food and games in the afternoon, bring a scary story, a plate, a fork and a mug
- pumpkin carving contest: bring a carved pumpkin before school begins to the pod areas on Friday to be entered in a draw
- start brainstorming your business idea
- page 5 of your business booklet
- notices for PAC fundraising
- notices for permission for photos on our class blog
- writing conference group 3

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Tuesday, October 27

Today we began our Science and Engineering challenge of building structures of paper.  We learned the power of a cylinder. 

We also created our team names and began planning what we would do.

- read 30 min
- grade 6 math workbook page 10-11
- grade 7 math page 36 #1, 2, 3, 4, 6
- group 2 writing conference
- le monstre is due tomorrow

Monday, 26 October 2015

Monday, October 26

Today, we had our Social Studies presentations.  We had some very good presentations on government.

Here is an example of one project:


Here is a link to a project created as a website: Sidratul and Melate's Project

We are learning to create effective presentations so that:

- powerpoints use visuals and not just text
- speak in an engaging manner
- try to engage the audience with a question, prop or other hook

- last day for photo orders tomorrow
- Grade 7 math in workbook page 17-19
- Grade 6 math text #1-3
- bring gym strip
- work on French project - "le monstre"
- hot lunch on Friday

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Tuesday, October 20

Today we had a good discussion about the characters in "Fish In a Tree," with Mrs. Jones' class in Iowa via Skype.  We will be presenting some skits to them next time we talk to them.

Remarkably, the results of the student vote were very similar to the actual federal election results.  Here are the results of the student vote:

- tomorrow is early dismissal
- student photos went home today with order forms
- please return the signed interim report
- Grade 7 math workbook page 14 to 16
- Group 3 reading conference
- work on your social studies project at home, the due date is Monday

Fish In A Tree

Chapter 20 part 1
Chapter 20 part 2
Chapter 21

Monday, 19 October 2015

Monday, October 19


- bring your gym strip
- math grade 6 page 22/23 #3 and #4
- math grade 7 page 27/28 #1 and #2
- share your Interm Report with your family
- watch the election results!
- work on your Social Studies project
- Reading Conference group 2: Zaahid Suhail, Elizabeth, Sewak, Jowela

Friday, 16 October 2015

Friday, October 16

Today, we voted in our student vote.  We will find out the results on Tuesday, along with the actual federal election results.  This should be interesting!

Reminders for Monday:

- write a blogpost about what changes you notice that are happening in "Fish In A Tree" so far (changes in people or relationships)
- start brainstorming for your next paragraph - main idea and supporting details
- bring a gym strip for circuits
- bring band instrument
- Group 1 reading conference ( Wasif, Halina, Claudea, Verdana, Robert, Shivam)

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Wednesday, October 14

- band tomorrow
- Movie Night on Friday
- Grade 7 math workbook page 10 - 11
- Read 30 min.
- create your voter i.d. card

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Tuesday, October 13

Today we learned how to log onto our FreshGrade ePortfolio.  Remember to log on at home and to accept our classroom invitation. Your i.d and password is in your planner. 

Here is the link for FreshGrade: FreshGrade

Answer the following question by clicking on the Padlet.  (Click twice)

- write a good copy of your "hamburger" paragraph
- Grade 7 math page 23 #1-3
- Grade 6 math workbook page 6-7
- Movie Night Friday 3 - 5pm (notice sent home)
- Wacky Hat Day tomorrow
- non-instructional day on November 12

Friday, 9 October 2015

Friday, October 9

Have a great Thanksgiving. Monday is a holiday.

- write the main idea and details of your paragraph for writing
- finish line art (patterns around your name)
- read 30 min every day
- bring gym strip for Tuesday
- math quiz on the concepts learned so far in Unit 1 next Friday (Grade 7's divisibility rules and algebraic expressions, Grade 6's patterns in input output tables and writing the rule as an expression)

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Wednesday, October 7

- band tomorrow
- Grade 7 math page 18 1, 3-8 (a and b for all questions only)
- Grade 6 math workbook 2.1
- buddy art due Friday
- bring in your Mystery Bag
- hot lunch - due by October 16th

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Tuesday, October 6

Today, we listened to Linda Mullaly Hunt, the author of the Global ReadAloud book, Fish In a Tree,  introduce us to the book.

We have read up to Chapter 4 and tonight we need to:

- write a blogpost on Kidblog about what we have read so far (your ideas on the main character or supporting characters, or connections you've made, questions you have, or predictions etc.)

- answer one of the questions on the following Padlet (scroll across for more space and double click where you want to type, remember to add your name)

- Grade 7's math page 9 #6,7
- Grade 6's math page 15, #4 a,b
- finish "The Hand" buddy art by Friday

Monday, 5 October 2015

Monday, October 5

Today, we had a our final candidate for the election in our riding, Harpreet Singh,  come visit us and share his party's platform with us.  The Woodward Hill students asked him some challenging questions.

- tomorrow is Picture Day
- finish your "Hand" art activity from Buddies
- Hot Lunch notice
- Grade 7's practise the divisibility rules

Friday, 2 October 2015

Friday, October 2nd

Today, we heard from the Green Party candidate in our riding, Pamela Sangha.

For homework, we need to go to and find three facts about each party that you did not know before.

Also, remember to bring your gym shoes and band instrument for Monday.

If you late work please finish it over the weekend. This is for those students who I have talked to.

Remember to practise your oral reading and come ready to share a selection from the book that you are reading.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Friday, September 25

Today, we had a conversation with Sukh Dhaliwal who is running in the election as a Liberal.  We asked questions and learned about government and the election process.

- Monday is a non instructional day
- read 30 minutes every day of the weekend
- finish Social Studies research on the Liberal and NDP candidates in our area (we will be doing the same for The Green Party and The Conservative candidate next week)

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Thursday, September 24

Today, almost everyone received their math textbook.  If you need to use a book and don't have one, use the link above under Math to access the textbook from home.

We also learned how to go to our blogs and how to post a blog.  Everyone is supposed to post their first blog tonight using their rough copies.

In Social Studies, we are learning about each candidate's party platform and their experience and education.  Please see the links below to finish your homework.

Green Party





- read 30 minutes daily
- grade 7, math, page 8/9 #1-3
- post your first blog using the Student Blogs link above

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Wednesday, September 23

Tomorrow is Meet the Teacher at 6-7pm.  Unfortunately, I will be unable to meet with you at that time. I will be available from 3:00 - 4:30.  If this time does not suit your schedule, please feel free to email me at and I will schedule an alternate time to meet with you. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  

Today we learned how to appropriately comment on someone's blog. Here is a video we watched.

We are also learning about political parties  Here is a powerpoint we used to learn. 

Grade 7's - finish place value review sheet
Band tomorrow

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Tuesday, September 22

Today we had the second Skype call of the year.  It was a Mystery Skype and we discovered that the class was in Auckland, New Zealand.  It was a lot of fun figuring out where they were located.  We shared some information about our countries and schools with each other.  We will be connecting with this class for the Global ReadAloud in October.

- finish writing your first blog
- finish the rights and responsibilities sheet

Friday, 18 September 2015

Friday, September 18

Books! Books! Books!

We learned about genre and categorizing different books by genre.  We also learned about reading stamina and chose some books that would be a good fit for us to read.  Next week, we will be building our reading stamina.

Remember to prepare two questions you would like to ask Jinny Sims when we Skype with her on Monday. Also, remember to review and get signed the important forms that were sent home. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Thursday, September 17

Brainstorm the rights and responsibilities that you think are the most important in Canada.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Wednesday, September 16

Today we learned about the role of government by working on a survivor island scenario where students decided on the rules of a society.  We also learned about problem solving in math and looking for patterns.  As well, we are almost all finished our All About Me activity.

For homework:
- finish your All About Me if you haven't already handed it in
- finish your number story (remember it is only 4 numbers you need to explain)
- bring back signed notices and supplies if you haven't already

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Tuesday, September 15

We finally have our classes set! Yay!
Today we organized our supplies, discussed classroom expectations and worked on writing, team building, and physical activity.

- have your notices signed by your parents regarding technology use and ways to communicate between home and school
- bring your supplies to school
- bring an extra blue or black duotang
- finish the drawing for your writing exercise
- bring a tissue box to school

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Welcome Back!

Photo Credit: sweetjessie via Compfight cc div>

Welcome back to school!  I am excited to get to know you (my new students) and for you to get to know me.  We are going to be finding out what you want to learn and learning how to ask deep questions and finding our passions.  I can't wait to meet you all!

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Year end.

It has been a fantastic year for Division 3.  I loved working with all of you.  Enjoy your summer.  

Here is the link for the photographs taken at the grade 7 dance.

The Password is 

The photographer spelt Woodward incorrect and that is why the passward is "Woodword"

Monday, 15 June 2015

June 15th

Math 6: pg 203 q: 1-3 
Math 7: pg 270 q: 1-3
Science due tomorrow 
Genius hour Wednesday 
Yoga mat
Play land notice ASAP

Thursday, 11 June 2015

June 11th

Genius hour
The day I was born
Talent show/fun day
Math 7's pg 269 1,2,3
Math 6's graph for survey 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Wednesday, June 10th 2015

The day I was born- Monday June 15th
Science ecosystems- Tuesday June 16th 
Genius hour- Wednesday June 17th 
Grade 7 math page 260 1-3
Grade 6 math have survey ready
Bring yoga mat and flexible clothing

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

June 9th

Science ecosystems project- Monday June 15
Genius hour- bring supplies for tomorrow
Read 30 mins
The day I was born writing
Book swap tomorrow
Yoga mat
Booktalk- Bridget Nicole Ezzy 

Friday, 5 June 2015

June 05

We are so sad to say farewell to our student teacher, Ms. Bailer.  We will miss you. 

Math Gr6- Test Monday
Math Gr7- Unit review test Tuesday 
Read 30 min/day
Genius Hour Day 4
Book Swap June 10
Booktalk- Syra, Karen, Vikram
Daily 5- group D writing

Thursday, 4 June 2015

June 04

Math Gr6- personal study guide - test Monday
Math Gr7- 1,2,3
Read 30 mins
Genius hour day 4
Social studies inventions good copy- Friday
Bring activities for Genius Hour

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

June 02

Math Gr 6 WB 82-85
Genius Hour day 4
French pen pal letter
Social studies inventions

Monday, 1 June 2015

June 01

Here is a link to the video we watched in Science.

Here is the video on the infinite chocolate.


Math Gr6- pg 229 #1 a) b) c) d) rule/show work
Math Gr7- 87 WB
Share Interm Report
Genius hour today
French pen pal letter/picture - Wednesday 
Social Studies Inventions - Wednesday 

Friday, 29 May 2015

May 29

Working on Our Genius Hour Projects

Math Gr6- WB 80-81
Math Gr7- p141 #1+2+gnome
Author's chair- Ezzy
Share. Interm Report
Genius hour- day 3
Science quiz Monday
Social studies inventions

Thursday, 28 May 2015

May 27

Our Ancient Chinese Art

Math Gr6- WB 76-79
Math Gr7- p141, #1,2
Author's Chair- Jordan, Sidratul, Ezzy
Grade 7- permission gang presentation
Share Interm report 
Genius Hour
Science- food web
Timeline- Friday
Daily 5 group C writing 
Friday SS quiz- Dynasties

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

May 27, 2015

Math Gr 6- pg 213 #6,7,9

Math Gr7- Workbook 82-83

Author's Chair-  Alia, Ezzy

Talent show auditions

Share Interm report- parents leave comment

Genius hour- back of sheet day 1

Math retests Thursday
Science- food web

Timeline - Friday

Daily 5- group C writing

Friday SS quiz- Dynasties


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

May 26

Math gr 6 - get math test signed
Math gr 7- pg 131 #1,2,3
Author's chair- Manasseh, Ezzy
Science - question
Share interm report
Genius Hour 
Math retests Thursday
Gym Strip

Friday, 22 May 2015

Friday May 22, 2015

Yesterday's Yoga


Math grade 6- math test signed
Authors chair: Tony, Nicole
Daily 5- group C writing - see criteria sheet
Terra cotta soldier 
Science questions