Thursday, 18 December 2014

December 18

Today we had lots of fun skating with our buddies.


Read 30 minutes
Gr 7 math test 
Bring candy and ribbon
Pj+ red and green day
Band instrument
A plate for Friday 

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Today we painted our Christmas craft.

Read 20-30 minutes
Gr 7 - math test Friday
Gr 6 sign math test
Skating - we leave at 9:45
Secret Santa bump it gift 

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

December 16

Today we made gingerbread houses with our little buddies. The result was delicious! 

- bring a paintbrush for art
- math test grade 7- Friday
- Secret Santa Gift

Monday, 15 December 2014

December 15

- read 20-30minutes 
- math test - grade 6
- bring candy for gingerbread cookies
- mayor's letter - Tuesday 
- Secret Santa gift
- Gr 7 math #1, 5 page 73 + 74 
- band 
- early dismissal 1:32p.m.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

December, 11

Today, we discussed issues in our community that affect our lives that we wish our municipal government could change. Here is our brainstorm:


- Read 30 min 
- group C Writing Conference
- authors chair - Avreet - Sewak - Farhat
- Character poster Monday 
- Van Gogh art Monday
- field trip notice
- Gym
- gr 6 math test Monday 

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

December 10

Congratulations to Vikram and Sewak for solving the almost impossible puzzle.  Also, honourable mention to Jordan and Kouju for trying to solve it.


- Read 30 min
- reading conferences: Group B
- Authors chair - Bridget  - Zahra
- character poster Monday 
- food journal tomorrow 
- Van Gogh art Monday 
- band
- field trip notice
- secret Santa bump it gift
- food placemat 
- grade 7 math #1-5

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

December 9th

We watched a great performance by the primary students this afternoon. Most of the cast was made up of our little buddies. Great job, buddies!


-read 30 min
-authors chair - Harkarn and Eesha
-character poster - Monday 
-food journal this Thursday 
- gym
- field trip notice 
- Secret Santa Bump It Gift
- Gr 7 test sign/return
- group A
- art due Monday (Van Gogh)

Monday, 8 December 2014

December 8

Today we had a guest speaker, Barinder Rasode, come into our classroom to discuss the recent election and the democratic process.  The students asked her some very good questions. 

- Read 30 min
- authors chair -Irah and Alia
-Food journal (Thursday)
-gr 6 math #1-5 pg 80
-field trip notice 
-senior centre tomorrow 
-secret Santa bump it gift
- group E conference
-character poster - Monday 
-Gr 7 test sign/return 

Friday, 5 December 2014

December 5

Our Street Display with our Buddies

This is a glyph; the houses are symbolic of information about each student who created them.  The following is the guide they used to make their houses. See if you can find your house.

House Glyph
·      Roof  Color – Choose the color of the roof to represent the kind of house you have.
Townhouse – brown                 Individual house – red                                                        Apartment/basement – blue

·      Number of Windows – Include a window for each person who lives in your house. Yellow windows for females                     Orange windows for males

·      Door Color – Draw or cut and glue a door to your house in a colour to represent your favorite subject in school.
Reading/writing – yellow              Math – dark blue              Science – green      Social Studies – black        Gym- purple              Music/Band – Orange Art - Pink       

·      Doorknob color – Color the doorknob to represent the pet you like best.
Dog = black        Cat = purple              Bird = orange           Other = yellow

·      Chimneys – Put a chimney on your house to represent each pet you have.

·      Address -  Use the number of the month you were born in and the day your were born to create an address


- Group D writing conference
- author's chair: Kouju, Manasseh
- Pizza Day notice'
- Skating fieldtrip notice
- create a question for our guest, Barinder Rasode
- food journal for Thursday
- Secret Santa Bump-It Gift ($7 or less)

Thursday, 4 December 2014

December 4

Enjoying today's lunchtime dance:

- read 20 - 30 min
- Gym strip
- Author's chair: Esha B., Syra
- Group C to conference
- Grade 6 math workbook page 28
- Grade 7 Mid Unit Review, test tomorrow
- Writing: The Alley - include  a clause, an adverb, a strong verb, a quality adjective and a prepositional opener
- Fieldtrip notice
- Secret Santa Bump Gift (limit $7)
- Food Journal for next Thursday - see links for calculating servings here for fruits and vegetables, grainsmilkmeat and alternatives, and create your personal food guide.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

December 2

Yesterday we presented our static electricity experiments to the class.  Today, we learned about how electricity is produced from renewable and non-renewable resources.

In the morning we walked to Suncreek Seniors Centre and played some fun games with the residents. We were on teams and we played charades, pictionary, and a spelling bee game. We learned a lot about our big buddies.

- gym tomorrow
- your report card write up due on Thursday
- Author's chair Nicole and ?
- science 2 questions due on Thursday