Wednesday, 26 November 2014

November 26

Yesterday, we went to Suncreek Seniors Centre and the students reflected on their experience in their blogs.  Please try to read and comment on your child's blog.  

We have some very talented writers in our class.  Here is an opportunity to showcase their talent in a Canadian writing contest. Here is the link for the writing contest:

We have also been learning about static electricity and doing many experiments.  

Students are working on creating their own experiments.  Here is the criteria for their project:


Learning Intention: - to show your understanding of static electricity


-       include a diagram (labeled)
-       include a hypothesis
-       include a detailed list of the materials
-       include the steps of the experiment – describe what happens

-       explain the     WHY   - why did it work the way it did (use scientific vocabulary)

- Grade 7, math page 61 #1-6 ( Here is a link to our Math Makes Sense 7 text book, it is also on our "links" at the top of this page
- Grade 6, math workbook page 24-45
- Science:
            - good copy of writeup of the static electricity experiment (see criteria)
           - perform experiment for class on Monday
- Band tomorrow
- published writing due on Friday

Thursday, 20 November 2014

November 20th

Today we made our presentations to the class about our KIVA entrepreneurs and we made four loans to different entrepreneurs

We are hoping everyone will bring in a toonie for funding these loans.

We also had some fun during our daily physical activity in a brainbreak. 

If any student is interested in entering a writing contest, you can find the information here.

- group D conference
- math 6, page 61 #4
- Gym strip
- pyjama day tomorrow
- bring a flashlight for Read In the Dark 
- 3 Published pieces of writing due next Friday

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

November 19

Today we learned about electrons, protons, and static electricity.

The grade 6's also learned about factors, multiples, and prime and composite numbers.


- toonie for KIVA
- KIVA sheet good copy and be ready to convince us to lend to the entrepreneur you chose
- band
- group C for writing conference
- math 6 page 61 #1-3
- bring back fieldtrip notice
- Pyjama Day on Friday

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

November 18


- Read
- Booktalk: Jordan, Corey
- Conference: Group B
- KIVA and walking fieldtrip notice
- bring a toonie for KIVA
- Grade 7 Math Test - review using practise test for Unit 1
- Grade 6 WB Unit 2, Lesson 3
- Friday is Pyjama Day

Monday, 17 November 2014

November 16

Today, we researched different entrepreneurs on the KIVA site.  We are learning about microfinancing and thoughtful lending. 

- research for KIVA
- Grade 7 math unit test on Wednesday
- Grade 6 math #1- 4 Unit 2 Lesson 3
- Booktalk: Harkarn and Rehmit
- Group D for conferencing
- Band tomorrow
- Cozy Kids Campaign
- Photo Orders due
- Friday is Pyjama Day
- Christmas Store Fundraiser sent home

Friday, 14 November 2014

November 14

Today we learned more about the mayoral and city council candidates and exercised our civic right to vote in a (mock) municipal election.

- read
- group E writing conference
- photo orders due
- Cozy Kids Campaign 
- grade 7's prepare for unit test 

Thursday, 13 November 2014

November 12

Yesterday we had a great conversation in Mme. Noakes class and Miss. Grewal, who is a healthcare worker in Nepal. She told us about living in Liberia, the spread of Ebola and the challenges faced by those living in poverty.

Today we learned about the party platforms for the municipal election.

For tomorrow:
- research local political platforms further in order to participate in the student vote
- grade 6 #10 in math text
- grade 7 math workbook
- gym tomorrow
- photo orders due
- group A conference

Friday, 7 November 2014

November 7

We learned about Remembrance Day during our assembly and about our rights and freedoms during our class conversations today.


- Non-instructional day on Monday
- Remembrance Day holiday on Tuesday
- read 20- 30 min
- gym strip for Wednesday
- Grade 6 - sign and return math test
- finish Peace blog
- Group C conferencing on Wedensday (reading)
- hot lunch order forms due on Friday

Thursday, 6 November 2014

November 6

Today, we had a lively debate on voting rights.  Each group of students put forth their ideas and supported them.  Then, they were questioned by the rest of the class.  It was an engaging and emotion filled debate.  We learned about the words: democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy, monarchy, and suffrage.


- read 20 - 30 min
- leave a blog comment for you little buddy
- gym strip
- grade 6 math page 50 #9
- explain some of our social studies words to your family

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

November 4

     Recess Friends

- read 20-30 min
- gym tomorrow
- math grade 7's workbook 1.6
- math grade 6's review for test tomorrow
- group A conference tomorrow