Yesterday, we went to Suncreek Seniors Centre and the students reflected on their experience in their blogs. Please try to read and comment on your child's blog.
We have some very talented writers in our class. Here is an opportunity to showcase their talent in a Canadian writing contest. Here is the link for the writing contest:
We have also been learning about static electricity and doing many experiments.
Students are working on creating their own experiments. Here is the criteria for their project:
Intention: - to show your understanding of static electricity
include a diagram (labeled)
include a hypothesis
include a detailed list of the materials
include the steps of the experiment – describe
what happens
explain the WHY - why did it work the way it did (use
scientific vocabulary)
- Grade 7, math page 61 #1-6 ( Here is a link to our Math Makes Sense 7 text book, it is also on our "links" at the top of this page
- Grade 6, math workbook page 24-45
- Science:
- good copy of writeup of the static electricity experiment (see criteria)
- perform experiment for class on Monday
- Band tomorrow
- published writing due on Friday