Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Tuesday, April 29

Math 7 page 136 #1-4
Science - rock chart

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Monday, April 14

Today, we had a busy day full of sharing and celebration.  We started presenting our cultural research.  We also shared about our cultural heritage in the morning assembly. Between Mrs. walia's class and our class, we had roots in 30 countries.  In the afternoon, we learned about breads around the world and made roti.  

- grade 7, Unit 3 math test tomorrow
- grade 6, Show a What You Know in math text
- group B for reading conferences

Thursday, April 17

Have a great long weekend.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Friday, April 11

- grade 6's work on unit review for math, the test will be next week
- social studies presentation are on Monday
- read and record
- notices for Subway lunch went home
- dress in clothing of your cultural heritage for our assembly presentation

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Thursday, April 10


Samosa sale: $1 each, delivery on Monday at lunch time
 - Grade 7 math quiz tomorrow
 - Grade 6, 5.8 workbook
Social Studies Project is due on Monday
 - remember to fill out the blue slip of paper which is about where you were born and where your parents were born
- Group B for reading conferences

Friday, 4 April 2014

April 4 - Culture Project Criteria

- group D reading conferences on Monday
- grade 7 math page 64-65 workbook
- grade 7 camp information notice has gone home
- SS assignment; Culture research due on April 14 - the criteria we brainstormed together is below

Culture Study

Choose a culture of your background.

Learning Intention: 
-      -  to research from 3 sources
-      -  to cite sources of research
-      -  to show an understanding of one culture (see critera)
-       -  to show pride in your heritage


-       research using 3 sources
-       cite 3 sources                                               10
-       explain about:
o   food                                      10
o   clothing                                10
o   music/dance/art                     10
o   language(s)                           10
o   festivals/special days/traditions/ceremonies
o   religion                                 10
-       GIVENS (spelling, punctuation, grammar)   5
-       neatness, visually appealing                        10

TOTAL:                                                    85                  

Show your learning in either a posterboard, presentation, slideshow, essay or any other creative way you choose.  

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

April 1st

Today, the grade 7's worked on a high school math placement test.  ðŸ˜€ Here they are working so hard.

 They eventually found out it was just an April Fool's joke!  

Tonight, we will be performing with Voices of Nature at the Bell Centre.  Tickets can still be bought at the door for $10 each.  Students need to be there by 6:30.

The Social Studies project is due on Thursday.  
Grade 6's need to finish math page 182 #1.